I’ve used a zillion different planners for years both professionally and personally. Here are two editable versions that I have designed for you that include daily am/pm/eve blocks with a weekly mood overview and a notes/drawing section for inspiration. You will also see an option for Mon-Sun or Mon-Sat layout depending on your personal preference. I come back to these weekly formats all the time with all my clients and I use it regularly myself. I hope you find it helpful too.

TIPS BEFORE YOU JUMP IN: A good planner helps you to hold a weekly overview of what’s coming up so you can make wise adjustments in advance. The whole idea is that it helps you to have a good variety of values based activities and to have an overall greater sense of space and freedom with how you go about your life. It is not designed to make you feel like you need to fill all your time or that you need to compete with yourself or anyone else. I help my clients creatively design their time to best suit their own life and creative process moving towards greater fulfilment and contentment. Any questions or feedback about using this helpful tool, please feel free to just ping me an email. Catherine